“Poems flooded me. Fell on me like wild bees.” – Anna Kamienska
Another image from “Once Upon a Time.”
The stuff that fills the spaces we occupy. All the things we bought, received, found, forgot, outgrew. What we leave behind.. the stuff nobody really wants – not even the trespassers who ransack fervently looking for what might have been missed. Or who knows what.
The mattress alone holds a thousand and one stories. The ties. The pants.. the ones worn last. Hasty departure? Unforeseen circumstances? Perhaps. Or perhaps also. The reality is something else – not insignificant, but in this instance maybe irrelevant.
Preliminary musings. Very preliminary.
On another note… the making of an image. What becomes a photograph. What is a photograph? What is the above photograph about?
Document? Fiction? Portrait? Landscape? Nude?
Like wild bees..